. Wanderlust .

My little life’s adventures to explore anything and everything.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today was hard. Not going to lie, I cried.
It was nice to see some of your family today
and be acknowledged and hugged. :)
I miss them ♥ Well happy birthday to you,
hope you get everything you ever wanted.

but it was also nice to get away from you.
work was super boring..lol. anddd it was wonderful to
see a special girl named Jenn! :) She made my night.
Alice in Wonderland was quite wonderful I liked it alot!
I thought it was missing a few things though, but it was
still really good! Hash browns at like 11:00 at night are
pretty good too, and talking the night away is always nice. ♥

I like keeping busy, like a bee. ;)

I'm feeling pretty positive right now. lol. Like a plus sign,
hehe, I guess that's a good thing. I feel like talking with people allows me to open
up, therefore getting a more positive outlook on life and events. :) It's good.
I like catching up. I miss seeing people I havn't seen in a long time. It's always
good to catch up and then hopefully hangout more! Because I'd love too. :)

1 comment:

stephanieee said...

i love the bee:) and you ALWAYS have me to talk to!! love you, love.

Life's Little Adventures